
Hand forged surgical instruments superior in performance and durability as compared to conventionally produced German and Asian instruments
A new research study from Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, shows hand forged surgical instruments are superior in performance and durability as compared to conventionally produced German and Asian instruments.
Quality surgical instruments best investment
Two excellent research studies conducted at Oulu University Hospital in Finland and the Ersta Hospital in Sweden were presented at the SEORNA (Swedish Operating Room Nurse Association) meeting in late 2012. The study confirm the long-term value of quality instruments
Access to crevices critical for surgical instrument safety
Two excellent research studies conducted at Oulu University Hospital in Finland and the Ersta Hospital in Sweden were presented at the SEORNA (Swedish Operating Room Nurse Association) meeting in late 2012. The study confirm the importance of access crevices which are critical for surgical instrument and patient safety.

STILLE imagiQ2 dose study
A comparative study has been performed to verify the new imagiQ2 low-dose table top from Stille which proved that the new device produces 20% lower radiation exposure than the previous model, imagiQ. The analysis was conducted at the Shoreline Surgical Associates Clinic, Middletown, CT, USA, a clinic managed by vascular surgeon Dr. Joseph Coatti.