Interview with STILLE Ambassador Brent Moelleken, M.D., FACS
Talking instruments and plastic surgery procedures with Dr. Brent Moelleken, one of the most distinguished surgeons in the world, as well as a true STILLE Ambassador.
Dr. Moelleken, what do you appreciate most by using STILLE instruments?
The feel of the instrument in your hand. I do a lot of facelifts and with a very extensive revision facelift there is often a lot of scar tissue, the STILLE scissors feel perfectly balanced and work really well. I have dozens of facelift scissors in the operating room. If we drop a STILLE on floor, I’ll make sure there is another STILLE to replace it. If you do a lot of facelifts you get the feel of the instrument and the precision of the instrument the way it cuts forward and to the side, it’s really well-designed and balanced.
How would you describe a STILLE scissor to another surgeon that has never used one before?
I would say it is like the Porsche Turbo of instruments; very precise and very reliable. It performs better than any other scissor. It’s really the perfect scissor.
Are there any clinical advantages to using a STILLE scissor?
In revision facelift surgery the planes are often very difficult to find, so an extremely precise instrument is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity. To divide the planes, a clumsy scissor may make the surgeon more prone to button holing or cutting where they didn’t want to, especially with a revision surgery a STILLE becomes a necessity; I will not do a
revision surgery without my STILLE!
Do you see any benefits to patients by using STILLE instruments?
It’s simple and obvious; with any well-balanced instrument the surgery will take less time and be more precisely completed.
How do you justify the investment of a STILLE instrument within your budget or the hospitals budget?
There is no justification involved. There is no other tool that does the job.
Do you also work in a hospital setting?
Yes, when I work at the hospital I always bring my own STILLE instruments. They sterilize them at the University and I can be assured to perform just as perfect procedures as in my office setting.