Surgical perfection. For Life.
The global health care market in which Stille is active is in a stable period of growth. Stille is a company with great innovation power and has a history of almost 180 years of product leadership.
We develop, manufacture and market surgical instruments and advanced operating tables that are used in modern surgical techniques. Our most important clients are hospitals, clinics and outpatient surgery units, primarily in North America and Europe.
In particular, we are focusing on two market segments that display very stable and long-term growth: cardiovascular surgery and plastic surgery. Growth in these segments is driven by strong underlying trends such as an increased life span and improved prosperity resulting in an increase in the need for health care as more resources become available.
We develop our products in close collaboration with physicians and surgeons. Through innovations and quality work spanning over generations, we have built up a very strong brand addressed to our target audience.
Thus, Stille’s prerequisites for future growth are good.